Betekenis van:
tidal current

tidal current
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • stroming in het water, door de vloed veroorzaakt
  • the water current caused by the tides




tidal current
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • stroming in het zeewater langs de kust, afwisselend van richting met het getij
  • the water current caused by the tides





  1. Mechanical energy derived from tidal movement, wave motion or ocean current and exploited for electricity generation.
  2. determine the characteristics of the circulation of pollutants by virtue of current patterns, bathymetry and the tidal cycle in the production area; and
  3. determine the characteristics of the circulation of pollutants by virtue of current patterns, bathymetry and the tidal cycle in the production area;
  4. Permanent alterations of the hydrographical conditions by human activities may consist for instance of changes in the tidal regime, sediment and freshwater transport, current or wave action, leading to modifications of the physical and chemicals characteristics set out in Table 1 of Annex III to Directive 2008/56/EC.